

Many people believe they are eating properly but actually aren’t achieving the weight/fat loss goals they set out to achieve. There are many reasons they might not be succeeding but the bottom line is ‘you can’t out exercise a bad diet.’ The diet that works best for you is the one that works best for YOU to achieve YOUR goal. People are all different and everyone responds differently to different foods. People also tend to give up before they see results because their diet is off and they are simply spinning their wheels and burning themselves out. They’re either undereating, overeating, eating the wrong foods or a combination of the three.
People struggle in the gym for months and years as they try to achieve their physical goals whether it is to gain or lose weight. If you are one of those people ask yourself this question;
In what sport do people depend more on diet to lose and gain weight/lean muscle mass to achieve a certain aesthetic than than any other on the planet? That’s where you will find the answer and that sport is bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is a sport where athletes strive to develop their muscles through resistance training, diet and supplementaion. To achieve a prominent physique bodybuilders need to reduce their body fat while maintaining or gaining lean muscle mass. Here is a summary of how they do it;


Caloric Deficit
The most effective method for losing body fat while maintaining or gaining lean muscle mass is to create a caloric deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than the body burns through physical activity and metabolism. If the body receives fewer calories it will start to burn fat stores for energy, leading to a reduction in body fat. However, it is essential to maintain a balance between calorie reduction and nutrient intake to ensure the body has enough energy for muscle growth and repair. As much as it is science not everyone responds the same so there is a variance in the amount of training, and macronutrients a person needs to consume. Macronutrients AKA Macros are protein, carbohydrates and fat.

Resistance Training
Incorporating resistance training into a workout routine is essential for gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass. Resistance training involves lifting weights or using bodyweight exercises to strengthen and build muscles. It is crucial to increase the resistance progressively to continue to challenge the muscle to promote growth.

Protein Intake
Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair. Athletes need to consume adequate amounts of protein to maintain and gain muscle mass. The recommended intake for bodybuilders is 1.6 to 2.2 grams per kg of bodyweight.

Carb Intake
Carbohydrates are essential for providing energy for workouts and recovery. Athletes need to consume adequate amounts of carbs to prevent fatigue and maintain performance during workouts. The recommended daily intake for bodybuilders is 3 – 5 grams per kg of body weight. This will vary depending on whether the athlete is trying to add or lose body fat.

Fat Intake
Fats are essential for hormone regulation and energy storage. However, excessive fat intake can lead to weight gain. Athletes need to consume the right balance of healthy fats to maintain overall health and performance.

Supplement Use
Supplements are not a substitute for proper nutrition and exercise. However, some supplements can support fat loss and muscle gain. IE. caffeine can increase metabolism and energy levels while creatine can improve muscle strength and recovery.

The Takeaway
The most effective method of losing body fat while maintaining or gaining lean muscle mass as it pertains to the sport of bodybuilding is creating a caloric deficit, engaging in resistance training, consuming adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat, and using supplements to support overall health and performance. I would also suggest consulting an experienced coach, healthcare provider or nutritionist for personalized recommendations based on individual needs and goals.